Tia Dana Update...
Well, Tia Dana has been closed for about three weeks now. I know you may think that Freeway and I are living the life of leisure but that would not be accurate...at least for me, Freeway continues to be the princess she is! The first week was a serious moving operation with Freeway's supervision, the second week was spent recuperating from moving...no sympathy from Freeway and this third week is slaving over a computer learning all about how to build a new website and all of the nuances involved...as Freeway lounges on the couch eating bonbons.
With ALL of that said, I will stop boohooing...because I really am secretly enjoying this new venture...
This is the scoop...
a) I could wait and do a "finished" launch or
b) I can eke out my weekly progress for your perusal and possible purchases
My answer is b...what do you think?